Now that Daylight Savings Time has returned and we get that all-important extra hour of light at the end of the day, Oliver & I are finally heading back to our favorite playground at the Berkeley Marina. We spent time there almost every day last summer and we're looking forward to having lots more fun there in 2009!
On our first visit back to the playground this year we were lucky to run into a friend that Oliver met there last summer, Alicia, who is just a few months younger than Ollie, and her mom. A great start to playground season!
Here are some highlights of our playground adventure. As usual, you can click on any image to view the larger version in my galleries.
Oliver can barely contain his glee when he realizes where we are:
Oliver thinks it's a fine idea to dump a little sand on his new playmate's shoes:
Ollie basks in the golden glow of an early March evening.
Ollie has graduated to the "Big Boys" swings:
Who is this Berkeley Hippie kid?
Oliver inspects a random baby:
Spending time at the playground can be very exhausting work:
Communing with the Berkeley shoreline:
Oliver runs around with his friend Alicia and her mom:
Ollie demonstrates his jumping skills for Alicia:
Ollie makes his way up the dock so he can give his friend Alicia a nice hug:
A day at the park is incomplete without running through some puddles:
Ollie 'hangs-ten' with his new girlfriend:
The rest of the photos from this batch can be viewed in my galleries starting on this page.