Digital Dave's Ruminations

This is the place...

...where Digital Dave occasionally shares his thoughts on China, Photography, and other various and random subject-matter.

My three most recent posts will always appear on this page (unless you've arrived here via a direct link to a specific article). Use the archive links on the right sidebar to access previous posts. Most images on this blog can be clicked-on to view them in a larger size.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Photo Processing Notes

How does Dave Process the photos on his website? Not with an old-fashioned wet-darkroom, as pictured here. Welcome to the Digital Domain!

All images on this site were post-processed in Adobe ACR & Photoshop CS2 and/or Adobe Lightroom2 from the original RAW files, then converted to JPEG and resized and optimized for the web to 800x536 pixels (maintaining the 3:2 aspect-ratio of the original file) via either Adobe ImageReady or Adobe Lightroom. Consequently, the EXIF data attached to each image specifying its 'Original Size' refers to the resized JPEG and NOT the original, out-of-camera RAW image. All other EXIF data (available by clicking on 'More Details' under each image) is accurate and refers to the original RAW image as captured by the cameras.

Original out-of-camera image dimensions:

D70: 3008 x 2000 (06 Mpx);
D80: 3872 x 2592 (10 Mpx);
D200: 3872 x 2592 (10 Mpx);
D300: 4288 x 2848 (12 Mpx);
D700: 4256 x 2832 (12 Mpx);
D3: 4256 x 2832 (12 Mpx).